nedelja, 12. januar 2014

2. week of 365 days photography

Drugi teden je za mano. Bolezen se me še malo drži, ampak je precej bolje. Pretekli teden je bil tako večinoma v ležečem položaju. Kljub vsemu pa mi je uspelo priti do konca in tukaj so moje fotografije. Mogoče bodo moji tedni na nek način podobni, to pa zato, ker moje misli se oblikujejo na podlagi mojega življenja in to kar me obdaja. Ilustracija, Ben in fotografiranje je vedno vsak dan na sporedu in to je tudi moja inspiracija. Upam, da so vam pri srcu kužki, ilustracije in drobni trenutki v posameznikovem življenju, ker vse okoli naštetega se bo vrtelo pri meni.
Današnja beseda je bila 'šibek'. Ob pogledu nanj sem vedno šibka, ne glede na to kaj ta mala kosmata zverinica stori. Prevzel je mene in moje srce.

1. forgotten | 2. reflection | 3. in the air | 4. here I stand | 5. real | 6. red | 7. weak

I completed the second week. II'm still a little ill, but it's much better. Last week  I was so mostly in the bed. Nevertheless, I managed to get to the end and here are my photos. Maybe my photo weeks will be in some way similar, this is because my thoughts are formed on the basis of my life and what surrounds me. Illustration, Ben and photography is every day my inspiration and also my work. I hope that you care about dogs, illustrations and small moments in one's life, because everything about the above will be turning here on my blog.
Today's word is 'weak'. Looking at him, I'm weak, no matter what this small furry creatures do. He took my heart.

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