četrtek, 11. oktober 2012

What makes me happy

Včasih mi je hudo koliko lepega nas obdaja pa tega enostavno ne vidimo zaradi raznoraznih stvari. Rada imam naravo in vse kar je v njej in včasih bi najraje zavezala culo, si jo zavihtela čez ramo in šla.. nekam stran, v naravo kjer je človeška roka še ni načela.
In tukaj je fotografija, ki me je našla in v resnici ostanem zaradi nje brez besed. In želela sem jo deliti z vami.

Pridno zbiram stvari, ki me navdihujejo, me delajo veselo, srečno in mi popestrijo vmesne odmore, ki si jih vzamem med delom. Ko sem odkrila Pinterest sem šele odkrila koliko zanimivih, lepih stvari sploh obstaja. In to je moj odmor. In moj odmor je tudi lovljenje trenutkov s kamero Bena. Občasno bom v rubriki ''Kaj me dela srečno'' to delila z vami.

Sometimes I feel bad how beautiful surrounds is and simply we can not see it because of all kinds of things. I love nature and everything in it and sometimes I would  committed bundle and swung it over my shoulder and go .. somewhere else, where the nature of the human hand is not demaged...
And here is a photo which found me and really makes me speechless. And I want to share it with you.

I collect things that inspire me, makes me happy, and brighten up my breaks between work. With Pinterest I discovered just how interesting, beautiful things even existed. And this is my break. And my break is catching moments with Ben on the camera. And this all I will share with you in column'' What makes me happy''.

Fotko sem si sposodila na blogu
I borrowed photo here.

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