ponedeljek, 26. maj 2014

Day Off in Ljubljana

V petek sva si z možem privoščila prosti dan in sva pohajkovala po Ljubljani. Vreme je bilo lepo in sončno. Neprecenljivo je bilo piti kavo brez naglice, ob petju ptic in v prelepi Ljubljani. Ponavadi vedno hitim in si ne vzamem dovolj časa, da bi uživala. Tokrat pa je bilo drugače. V dvoje (no ja če ne štejem kosmatinca) je bilo še posebno lepo.

On Friday me and my husband took a day off. We were hiking in our home town Ljubljana. The weather was nice and sunny. It was priceless drinking coffee without rush, with birds singing and surroundings of the beautiful Ljubljana. Usually always on a hurry and do not take enough time to enjoy. But this time was different. Just two of us (well  I'm not counting little furry man) that was especially nice.

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