ponedeljek, 9. junij 2014

DIY or How I Made a Poodle Brooch

Vsi, ki me redno spremljate že veste, da imam malega kosmatinčka, da sem navdušena nad živalmi, še posebej pa so moje srce osvoji psi. To je bila moja velika otroška želja, ki se mi je (sem si jo) izpolnila pred dvema letoma. Torej ni čudno, da se mi po glavi pletejo razno razni kužki, ki so prijatelji mojemu Benu oziroma jih redno srečujem. 
Pred mesecem dni sva z Benom začela z agilitijem, kjer je glavna šefica lepa črna pudljica. Elegantna, hitra in živahna uspešno premaguje vse ovire. In tako je nastala želja (potreba), da jo spravim na papir. Z njo vred je nastala tudi Benova prijateljica, ampak o njej enkrat kasneje (če pozorno pogledate slike, jo boste zasledili). 

You all know that I have a small little furry dog, that I am impressed by the animals, especially dogs win my heart. That dog was my big (from childhood) wish which I fulfillh to two years ago. So it is no wonder that in my head are allways dogs,  especially the one who are friends with Ben or which regularly meet on walk. 
A month ago started with Ben agility, where the main boss is a beautiful black girl poodle. Elegant, fast and vibrant successfully overcomes all obstacles. So I draw her and I also created Ben's girlfriend, but about her will tell you some another time (if you look closely one of the bottom picture, you'll see her).

Ali vas zanima kako je nastala broška? Že pred časom sem veliko skecirala in iskala podobo, ki bi mi ustrezala. Prilagam samo zadnjo skico (nekatere sem že pred časom objavila na svoji facebook strani, če bi jih želeli videti).

Are you interested how I made a brooch? Some time ago I did a lot sketching and looking for an image that would suit me. Showing you only the last sketch (some time ago I posted on my facebook page more of them if you would like to see).

Ko je končna podoba zaključena, ilustracijo narišem v akvarel tehniki.

Once the final design is completed, draw an illustration in watercolour technique.

Ilustracijo skeniram in jo obdelam v računalniku, sprintam na posebno folijo, ki služi za tisk na tekstil.

Scan illustration and process it in the computer, print on special sheet, which allows me to printed design on the fabric.

Običajno h krati naredim različne motive živali.

Usually do different animal motives.

Blago izrežem, zašijem in napolnim s polnilom. Na koncu prišijem še sponko, s katero se broška pritrdi na majico, pulover, torbico, vrečko..

Cut the fabrick, sew and fill with filling. At the end sew the clip.

1 komentar:

  1. Mateja, hvala! Vedno rada pokukam izza 'odra'. In tale pudljica... simpatična.
    Sončkast pozdravček!
