torek, 19. februar 2013

New Project

Bilo je nekaj časa zatišja iz moje strani. Predvsem zaradi zdravja, ki sem ga neumorno lovila. Trenutno ga držim za rep, prepričana pa sem, da bo kmalu ves moj. V tem času so se rojevale nove ideje. Lotila sem ene, ki je že dolgo časa v meni, ampak nikoli ni bil pravi čas zanjo. Za začetek lahko malo pokukate.

It was some time calmness on my blog. Mainly because of  my health. I chased it tirelessly. Currently I hold it by the tail, but I'm confident that it will soon be all mine. In the meantime, I have new ideas. I tackled one of  idea which is a long time in me, but it was never the right time for it. Here is a little peek.

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