torek, 10. december 2013

Winter fun

Moj Ben me je popolnoma očaral in sedaj se je pridružil ostalim mojim prijateljem na ilustracijah. Življenje s kužkom je čudovito in če dobro pomislim si ne predstavljam kako sem lahko bila brez njega. To je prijatelj za vedno. S svojimi očarljivimi očmi, mahajočim repkom in jezičkom, ki kuka iz gobčka te popolnoma očara. Ko imaš za sabo težek dan, se stisne k tebi in te s svojim vlažnim jezičkom poliže po obrazu. Ko sem preveč utrujena za vse odidem z njim na sprehod. Opazovanje njega med vohlanjem in raziskovanjem narave me sprosti. Zrak mi prevetri glavo in počutim se lahko kot perešček. 

My Ben completely charmed me. He has joined the rest of my friends in the illustrations. Living with a dog is wonderful and if I think about it I can not imagine how I could be without him. This is a friend forever.  He completely charmed me with his charming eyes, waving tail and tongue, which is peeking from the muzzle. When I have a hard day, he squeeze to me and he licks me across the face. When I'm too tired to do everything, I go with him for a walk. I observing him when is sniffing around and exploring the nature. This relaxes me. Air refresh my head and I'm feeling like as feather.

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