sreda, 5. marec 2014

You are my sweetheart

Za vsako ilustracijo stoji zgodba. Običajno je to moja osebna izkušnja ali pa sanjarjenje, ki se mi zgodi, ko razmišljam naj si bodi med sprehodom, za delovno mizo, na kavču, v avtu. Pred dnevi sem bila pred izzivom, da napišem zgodbo, sem ugotovila da bi to lahko večkrat storila. Moja zgodba ostane pri meni, pokažem pa ilustracijo, ki govori namesto besed. V prihodnje vam razkrijem kakšno od svoji zgodb tudi preko napisanih besed. Ben je moja velika ljubezen (seveda poleg mojih treh fantov). Predvsem je pa nekdo, ki je neprestano ob meni. Redko kdaj se ločiva, spremlja me tudi po opravkih. Kadar ne more z mano, me pridno počaka v avtu. Rad se pelje v avtu, zato ga tudi pogostokrat vzamem s sabo. 
Včasih se uležem na tla in ga opazujem, občudujem, on pa me tako resno gleda. Najraje bi ga mečkala po rokah in nosila v naročju, on pa ni take vrste pes. Razlagam si, da mi ugodi želje zato, ker me spoštuje in ker tudi jaz njega spoštujem, pazim, da se mu ne vsiljujem. Včasih le ležim na tleh in ga opazujem in on opazuje mene, kot vidite na spodnji ilustraciji. 

For each illustration stands a story. Normally, this is my own personal experience or daydream that happens to me during a walk, siting by the desk, on the couch, in the car. A few days ago I was challenged to write a story, I sked myself why can I do this more. My story stays with me, but an illustration speaks instead of the words. I decided I will reveal some of my stories. Ben is my great love (of course, in addition to my three boys ). He is someone who is constantly with me . He accompanies me on an errand. He loved to drive with me in the car and waits me, when he has to. 
Sometimes I lie down on the floor and watch him, admire, and he looks at me so seriously. I'd cuddle him on my hands and wore in my lap and he is not that kind of dog . I think he grant my wishes because he treat me with respect and because I respect him, so I take care that does not impose to him . Sometimes I'm just lying on the floor and watch him and he is watching me, like you see on illustration below.

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